Quiko® Plus

Quiko® Plus


Quiko® Plus For young birds in the nest from the first day to the end of the moult Ideal for nesting young birds. Quiko® Plus is beneficial from the first day until the end of the moulting. The high nutritional values of Quiko® Plus increase strengthening of the young during weaning and during first moulting period when they leave the nest. So that young birds, even if they eat little, consume enough important nutrients at this crucial stage of growth. Quiko® Plus intensifies all metabolic processes and strengthens the resistance (even in young animals). Quiko® Plus contains biotin and vitamins B1, B2, B6 and B12 as well as 29 amino acids and minerals. Mix Quiko® Plus with rearing food when the young are ready to leave the nest, during weaning and during the first moult. While the young birds are weaning, Quiko® Plus boosts the metabolism and strengthens the immune system.